miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Why I choose my career?

In my childhood, I never dreamed to much about what I wanted to be in the future. I don´t know why, maybe this was not important in that time, but It was when I have fifteen. I was so worried; the only thing I knew was that I liked the science. I didn´t know what to do even after the first attempt to take the PSU(I was able to finish it the second time, fortunately) At the end of January, I was investigating about all the careers I was interested in. I had to choose between Chemistry and Fharmacy and Biochemistry. They are very similar and that complicated my decision.
Before applying, I went to a University fair to solve all my doubts. 
The reason why I choose Biochemistry was because it had a broad field of investigation and I realise that I want to work in laboratory and do research. 
My experience in the University by now it´s not very peaceful. I really hate that the teachers send a lot of messages, besides it´s despicable the time they send them ocasionally. I do like to study but  sometimes I have to wait for the teachers to publish a ppt or the recorded class.
This semester left a lot of expectations down.