jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020

The Best Place I have been

 I have been to a lot of places from Pan de azucar to Chaiten, but the most beautiful and lovely place I had known was Hornopiren. That is a little town 160 kilometers after Puerto Montt. You can get there through a barge. Later you have to drive a few kilometers to get there. You can find food, a place to stay, the Parque Nacional Hornopiren, and a volcano. 

Some places can do trekking, go fishing, use the kayak, and the most important for me: enjoy the peace of the landscape.

That is the reason why I recommend that place. There are no traffic, annoying noises, a lot of people and the weather is not hot. So if you are tired of Santiago or wherever you are and feel like a rest of peace, this is where you absolutely can go. I suggest carrying with you a lot of books, a comfy blanket, and your favorite tea or coffee.